türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 June 2018)

Smiling through the pain. No good idealist shall go
One day after the failed coup attempt by FETÖ (Fethullah Gülen
Terror Organization) in July 2016, Adalet Tanrıöver (31), a judge
working in the courthouse in Tonya district of Trabzon province,
was taken into custody along with her husband, prosecutor Mehmet
Tanrıöver. Since Adalet hanım was pregnant she was released but
Mehmet bey was arrested and jailed for 7 months.
The indictment against both Adalet and Mehmet Tanrıöver was
based on a tip from an individual named Necati Kaya, who claimed
that a FETÖ plot had been launched against him by, among others,
Mehmet Tanrıöven, the prosecutor in Alanya district of Antalya
province. Mehmet bey asserted that the one-letter difference
between his and the Alanya prosecutor's surnames had led to his
arrest. He claimed that he was a social democrat and had steered
clear of FETÖ during his 6-year career in the judiciary.
Tonya district is SW of Trabzon city.
A chief prosecutor and 4 other prosecutors vouched for Tanrıöver.
The case against Adalet hanım stemmed from her use of the Zaman
newspaper (pro-FETÖ) internet site in 2012. In any case, both
Mehmet and Adalet were acquitted for lack of evidence. The couple
were expelled from their jobs in November 2016 and applied for
reinstatement after their acquittal. Nevertheless, the Hakimler
Savcılar Kurulu (Judges and Prosecutors Council) rejected their
reinstatement application. (!)
As their case winds through the appeals process, their law
licenses were voided by the Ankara Administrative Court (!).
Mehmet bey is currently working in a law office to make ends
meet. He stated that "I think we'll be able to return to our
professions. I'm very much an idealist. I want to fight for justice
among the people but right now I don't see a path to that.
Just being a lawyer would probably be my only option henceforth."
Trouble-maker Gülen revels in couple's conundrum at his
lair in Saylorsburg, Pansilvanya.
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