türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 4 June 2018)
On the bright side, a lot harder for tomb raiders to get there.
In Erzurum, the Yakutiye Municipality began an urban renewal
project last year in the Hasan-ı Basri neighborhood, demolishing
tens of homes. Right in the middle of the neighborhood, though,
sits the supposed tomb of Hasan-ı Basri himself so the residents
were adamant that the tomb be spared.
Sends his regards from Basra.
A frustrated Mayor Ali Korkut reacted by saying that "Hasan-ı
Basri's tomb is in Basra (Iraq). He never even came to Erzurum!
Nevertheless, we've made a change to the project and I promise,
the tomb won't be demolished." The supposed tomb now sits on
a mound 7-8 meters high, amid the ongoing construction.
Ultimately, the tomb will be surrounded by a covered parking
lot, upon which greenery will be planted.
...in happier times.
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