türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 24 June 2018)

Marilyn Gets Political see this TNT report for MM's politicking
in Mardin in March 2017.
Marilyn Monroe has been reincarnated in Mardin. Melek Akarmut
(44), the married mother of 4 children, bears a striking resemblance to
the movie star and last month Akarmut opened her new shop 'Marilyn
Sabun Dünyası' (Marilyn's World of Soap) (!).
Visitors to the shop are struck by Akarmut's MM-style hair and they
all want their picture taken with her. For years, Akarmut worked as
a wedding-dress model. She told HaberTürk "Since my husband is
a soldier we moved to Mardin 6 years ago. A firm that makes soap
here offered me the chance to open a shop for them. I started the job
without any money and in a month I've paid all my debts. Each day
about 200 people come to the shop and they wait in line to have
their picture taken with me."
Akarmut said that Mardin is a very modern city. She added that
she'll get a patent as soon as possible and open franchise shops in
Batman, Bingöl, Diyarbakır and Istanbul: " I'll make my own soaps
and put my brand on them. Even Berlin wants a franchise."

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