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(HaberTürk Newspaper. 23 June 2018)
Why do dermatologist always have perfect skin? Do
they know something we don't?!
An incident involving a doctor's complaint against a patient
emerged from a suit filed in court. The patient, Nazlı C., went
to a private clinic in Beşiktaş, Istanbul, in January for skin
renewal treatments. According to Nazlı C.'s assertion, dermatologist
Dr. Özlem Karadağ Köse explained verbally and in writing that
the injection-radio frequency treatment would leave temporary marks
on patient Nazlı C.
Nazlı C. signed a document acknowledging this and agreed to the
treatment. Subsequently, a month later, Nazlı C. had the treatment
again and the marks appeared on her face. A cream given to her had
no effect so she screamed at Dr. Köse "you've burned my face!"
Nazlı C. then threatened to publicise the incident on social media
if Dr. Köse was not removed from the clinic.
Nazlı C., true to her word, opened an Instagram account in
Dr. Köse's name and published insults about her and ridiculed her
profession. In reaction, Dr. Köse filed a suit against Nazlı C.,
asking for 25,000 TL (about $5,000) in emotional damages and
26,000 TL (about $5,050) in physical damages.
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