(Sabah Newspaper, 20 August 2014)

The trusting type.
Yusuf Aydin (36), a fisherman in Mersin, withdrew 36,000 TL in
credit in order to buy a boat he saw advertised on an internet site
and he headed to Persembe district of Ordu province for this
purpose. On the bus to Persembe, Aydin felt uncomfortable with
all that money next to him so he gave it to the bus attendant for
safekeeping. However, when the bus stopped in Kayseri for a
break the attendant had disappeared.
Not seeing the attendant on the bus, Aydin went to the driver and
asked where he might be. When the driver replied "I don't know",
Aydin realized that he had been hoodwinked. As the bus reached
Corum, Aydin went to the Gendarmerie post and filed a complaint.
He also called the bus company headquarters, learning to his dismay
that the officials there said they could do nothing.
Now stranded in Ordu without any money, and after a week having
passed without the attendant being captured, Aydin said that "I was
a victim of my own trust. The driver said he hired the attendant the
day before the trip and it was his first day on the job. A bus
company hires someone without knowing anything about him! I
got the money in my father-in-law's name and I was going to get
the boat, do some fishing and repay it."
Aydin is currently working in a hazel nut field for 30 TL per day
so that he can save up and return to Mersin.

Aydin's journey began in Mersin, then to Kayseri, then to Corum
and finally to Ordu, on a south-to-north line in central Turkey.
turkce links to original Turkish article
(Sabah Newspaper, 20 August 2014

What low-cut dresses wrought.
In Adana, a husband became angry when a neighbor woman said to
his wife "don't dress so sexy! I have two boys and their reputations will
be harmed." In revenge, the husband ambushed and killed the woman's
two sons.
T.C., a textile worker, married H.C. a month ago and the couple settled
in the Sambayat neighborhood. Right away gossip began to spread about
H.C.'s low-cut dresses. As the gossip increased, neighbor Z.T. (65)
warned H.C. "girl! don't dress so sexy and walk around the neighborhood."
The young bride related this to T.C. and her father-in-law.
Angry husband T.C. then ambushed Z.T.'s two sons, Efraim and Muhitten,
when they went to the field to work, killing them both by firing at them as
they rode on their motorcycle. The two boys were transported to hospital
but could not be saved. T.C. fled and remains at large.
The boys' family member are in mourning after the news of their deaths
and wide-ranging security precautions have been implemented in the
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