(Milliyet Newspaper, 22 August 2016)
"Einstein shmeinstein...get 'em outta here."
In Doğanbey village in Aydın's Söke district, bees have
emerged from the hives that beekeepers there abandon in
the summer months. Local residents are furious because
they can't leave their homes for fear of the bees.
I bet he never went to Söke.
Selim Akıllı, who has a summer home at Acısu location,
where he raises chickens, lamented that "the bees get into
the chicken coop. We can't even enter our fields. Farming
has come to a standstill. We asked everywhere for help but
get no response."
Söke district is in western Aydın province.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 22 August 2016)
She may not realize how well off she is...
Citizens living in the mountain pastures of Bulancak district
in Giresun province have collected signatures to present to the
Giresun governor so they can finally get electricity.
The leader of the signature campaign, Emine Akçal, explained that
"most of the mountain pastures of the Black Sea region have electricity
but we don't, so we can't watch TV or listed to the radio - or even
hear the call to prayer. We learned about the 15 July coup attempt
from a shepherd (!). We're carrying black lamps around in this day
and age."
...sometimes no news is good news.
The villagers say their cellphones can't get a signal in Aydındere
and the nearby summer pastures like Hacı Çayır Obası, Yörük
Yaylası, Seman Yaylası, Asar Yaylası, İn Boynu, Orta Oba, Taş
Obası, Demirci Obası, Bozataşı Ovası, Çamur Oba, Sulak Oba,
Eski Oba, Pezük Oba, Karagöl Obası, Çakmaklık Obası and
Dikmen Obası, to name a few.
They say that for tourism and just to be able to get the news of
the world they need electricity. One citizen noted that "we've put
up poles by ourselves in most of these places. We want to be
able to take advantage of the technologic possibilities of electricity.
We only heard about the coup and the President's call to defend
the country 10 after the fact."
Bulancak's summer pastures are up from the coast in the west.
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