(Milliyet Newspaper, 29 August 2016)
If proof was needed, the global reach of Turkish fandom.
Actress Bergüzar Korel is getting ready to retun to the screen,
this time with husband Halit Ergenç in a TV show entitled
'Vatansever' (The Patriot). Her fans have just come up with a
meaningful surprise for her - this year for her 34th birthday the
'Bergüzar Korel Universal Fan Club' (!) has extended her
birthday tradition of good works to Africa.
Well, at least she's not thirsty.
The fan club donated clothes to school children in Konya in
Korel's name in 2015. This time they've opened a well in
the Republic of Chad and next to the well is a sign that
reads 'Bergüzar Korel Water Well'.
The fans addressed the Chadians on their web page by saying:
"This is our birthday present for Bergüzar hanım this year.
We may not speak the same language, nor share the same
hardships in our countries but we are under the same sky.
A child in Africa dies every 14 seconds from thirst. People
walk kilometers to find a bucket-full of water. So this is what
we decided to do this this year."
Where's Chad?
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 29 August 2016)
Stuck in Colombia's equivalent of Lodi.
Namık Kemal Başbay (53) sets out on long motorcycle rides to promote
tourism in Istanbul and Turkey but this time, on his South America tour,
he's stuck in Maicao, the area of Colombia that has the country's highest
crime rate.
Başbay left Argentina on 11 November 2015 and passed through Uruguay,
Brazil and Venezuela en route to Colombia. At the Venezuala-Colombia
border, though, he was forced to stay in a hotel because he does not have
a permit to ride a motorcycle in Colombia. Başbay contacted the Turkish
embassy in Bogata for help but has yet to receive assistance.
Explaining his predicament, Başbay said "I got the necessary documents
and permission from our embassy in Venezuela but the Colombian
authorities tell me that it's not possible to cross the border on a
motorcycle. They let me go as far as a hotel two kilometers from the
border. Because I talked to the soldiers about Turkish football and the
Beşiktaş football club they didn't harass me for any documents, but the
police at the city's entrance did. I can go on my way illegally but if I
get caught I'll be in big trouble. I'm expecting help from (Turkish)
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