(Hürriyet Newspaper, 7 May 2017)

They always find the most comfortable place in the house.
In Sivas, a street cat that snuck into a home through an open window
gave birth to a litter in a baby's cradle. When the homeowners found
the cat and its newborn kittens in the cradle in the morning they were
The Akkaya family, which lives in a two-story detached house in the
Ailbaba neighborhood of Sivas city, were in for a big surprise that
morning. The couple, Necat and Ayşe Akkaya, who live on the first
floor, had taken their 1.5 year-old son Samet with them on a visit to
relatives but had forgotten to close the bedroom window before they left.
Emine hanım get some more grandkids.
Overnight a pregnant street cat came in through the window and gave
birth to 4 kittens in Samet's cradle. Necat's mother Emine, who lives on
the second floor of the house, came into Necat's house in the morning
to check on their safe return and found the cat family, to her great
astonishment. Nevertheless, Emine hanım said that "of course, we'll
look after them. Why wouldn't we? What a beautiful thing these
creatures have done for us."

Sivas province
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