türkçe links to original Turkısh article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 21 May 2017)

Taking concrete steps to improve the İZBETON work place.
In an effort to boost productivity at the İZBETON (İzmir City
Cement Directorate), a campaign was initiated at the Pınarbaşı
Asphalt Facility for workers under the name "Let's add the smell
of books to the facilty. Let's read and share." In short order, the
workers took to the campaign, bringing books from home to create
a library at the site.
In little more than a month more than 300 books now fill the library,
for use by the 850 workers who pull three shifts daily. Among the
most-read of the books are Dostoyevski, Orhan Pamuk, Namık Kemal,
Uğur Mumcu's books and 'Nutuk' (written by Atatürk). Workers are
also serenaded by Mozart and Bach's works during lunch and tea
Paving the way toward greater İZBETON productivity.
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