türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 16 May 2017)

This emperor has plenty of clothes (Made in China)
Last week Antalya Governor Münir Karaloğlu went to Hefei, the
capital of the Chinese province of Anhui, Karaloğlu shared his
experiences there on Twitter and one tweet, in particular (above),
caught the attention of social media: Karaloğlu seated on a gilded
throne wearing emperor's clothes and proclaiming "I greet all of
China and invite you to Antalya!"
Turkish comedian Cem Yılmaz shared the photo without comment.
A disappointed Karaloğlu lamented that "It's a shame, a pity. I thought
people would like the picture I shared but I've erased it because some
people with bad intentions wanted to spoil that moment."
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sol Haber Portal, 15 May 2017)

His faith has long since lapsed.
Zimbabwean priest Jonathan Mthethwa announced to his parishioners
that "I will walk on water like Jesus!" Father Mthethwa readied himself
for his quest by praying and fasting for a week. Then he entered the river
on which he proposed to walk but was quickly eaten by crocodiles (!).
Deacon Nkosi, who witnessed the tragedy, said "Father promised that he
would show us his faith today but unfortunately he was eaten by three big
crocodiles instead. We still don't understand how this could have
happened because he prayed and fasted for a week." (!)
A policeman commented that "it has rained a lot this year and there was
no doubt that there were crocodiles in the river. The villagers ought not
go swimming in the river."

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