türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 May 2017)
Long way down.
Emre Kumlu (22), who both works for the Denizli municipality and
attends Pamukkale University, was driving his car at 4 in the morning
the night before last when it broke down on the Denizli Kalesi mountain
road in the Honaz district of the province. Inside the car were friends
Fatmanur Bağbakan (19), Ayşegül Öner (21) and Kader Güldaş (20).
Kumlu tried to 'jump-start' the car by pushing it, planning to get back
in the car once the motor started. However, the car gained speed on
an incline, Kumlu could not get back in and the car plunged off a
75-meter high cliff. Fatmanur and Ayşegül were seriously injured in
the accident and Kader died. Kumlu was taken into custody.

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 May 2017)
Ebru and her last train.
In Eskişehir, high school student Ebru Demir (16) wanted to get atop
a freight train car and have her picture taken at the Enveriye station.
Unfortunately, Ebru came in contact with a 30,000 volt high-tension
wire (!) and was seriously injured. She died en route to Eskişehir
Osmangazi University Hospital. Ebru's friend Ekrem Lale (17), who
tried to save her, is currently being treated for his injuries.
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