türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 24 May 2017)
Embarrassed to have killed someone for such a stupid reason.
Ahmet Selçuk Atasoy (62) took his dog out for a walk yesterday morning at
around 6 o'clock in a park in the Muratpaşa district of Antalya. As he walked
his dog, Atasoy was chastised by Erol Karayel (55), who lives in an apartment
house next to the park. Karayel said to Atasoy "you're walking your dog at this
hour of the morning!? We can't sleep because of the barking! Don't walk your
dog in this park!"
An argument ensued and Karayel came out of his house with a gun and shot
Atasoy 7 times, killing him. Karayel was taken into custody and a friend of
Atasoy's came to take the dog back to Atasoy's house.

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 24 May 2017)
"Have I got a nice surprise for you!"
In Bakırköy, Istanbul, two people dressed as cargo deliverers knocked on
the door of a luxury villa on 9 May and announced that "we have cargo for
you." Upon entering the house the suspects hit Moldovan maid Olesea C.
and then threatened homeowner E.E.
The intruders demanded the cipher for the strongbox from E.E., whom they
handcuffed to a closet door. Having no other choice, E.E. surrendered the
cipher and the bandits took $50,000 in cash and $250,000 worth of jewelry.
After the robbers fled a gardener came and freed E.E., who called police.
After reviewing surveillance video, police determined the vehicle the
suspects used. Before long, police took Moldovan maid Olesea C.,
Moldovan Luri C. (40), Bulgarian Mihail F. (58) and Mustafa M. (27) into
custody. Three stolen watches found at the suspects' home were also
confiscated by police.
Bakırköy district of Istanbul
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