türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 27 May 2017)

Nothing better to do than to save sunken cars at 1 in the morning.
The night before last in Adana's Atakent neighborhood, citizens who saw
a car submerged in an irrigation canal with its headlights on called police.
As the police tried to remove the car from the canal, a passing citizen
named Aziz Çelik (a.k.a. Good Samaritan) stopped his car, took off his
clothes and jumped into the canal He then succeeded in tying a rope to
the car to keep it from drifting further along with the canal's current.
The car, with no one inside, was removed from the canal and its owner
identified as Hatice Kübra İ. (21). Concurrently, police spoke by phone
with Hatic Kübra, who explained that her boyfriend Çağrı A. (27) had
called her to say that "if you leave me I'll push your car into the canal!"
Police contacted Çağrı A., who confirmed Hatice Kübra's account. (!)
Adana province
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 27 May 2017)

In Şanlıurfa's Birecik district, motorcyclist Deniz Özkesiciler (20) was
beheaded at he drove his motorcycle along a bike path. Someone had
tied a rope across the bike path from a lamp post to a tree. The incident
occurred yesterday at around noon in the Meydan neighborhood. Police
are searching for the person who tied the rope.
Birecik is the westernmost district of Şanlıurfa province.
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