türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 10 October 2017)
Seeing the light of day, sort of, after all these years.
Excavations along the route of the Trans-Anatolia Natural Gas Pipeline
Project (TANAP) that will bring gas from the Shah Deniz 2 gas field
in the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan to Europe via Turkey have encountered
a graveyard from the Roman period in Domaniç district of Kütahya
Dominiç district is in the northern tip of Kütahya province.
Skeletons and other archaeological remnants were found at the Değirmen
Kırı location in Domaniç during excavation of the canal into which the
pipeline will be layed. The Kütahya Museum Directorate was informed
and pipeline work has been suspended. Museum Director Metin Türktüzün
stated that "the excavation area is 100 meters long and 5 meters wide. We
think it is the graveyard of people who live in the 2nd or 3rd century during
the Roman period. There are graves of men, women and children at the
site. It is possible that other cemeteries will be found. As we do today,
graveyards were located near to settlements in Roman times."
türkçe links to related Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 10 October 2017)

Just when he was getting ready for a big night out...
Excavations are continuing at the Resuloğlu ruins site in Uğurludağ
district of Çorum province. Skeletons found at a cemetery at the 4,500
year-old site had decorative accessories, weapons and jewelry
located alongside them. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Yıldırım explained some
aspects of the graveyard, which is from the Early Bronze Age, as
"It is an extremely rich cemetery site. When we look at life 4,500
years ago we see that these people were not insular and that somehow
they followed trends from afar. The decorative items we found at the
site were used not only by women but by men, as well. There are
bangles and bracelets on the feet of some men. Nor did the men of
that time shun jewelry and weapons were found with womens'
Prof. Yıldırım said that since the excavation began in 2003 more than
500 items have been delivered to the Çorum museum.
Çorum province
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