türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 17 October 2017)
Sort of Weinstein' mirror image. Nevertheless, the resemblance...
The Dean of Adıyaman University, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Talha Gönüllü,
has posted a message on social media referring to certain books and
'hadis' (words or actions attributed to the Prophet Muhammed) as
examples that justify the belief that a man and woman who are not
married should not shake hands or be left alone.
In his post Dr. Gönüllü says that "it is improper for a man and a woman
who are not married to touch each other or be alone together. And since
looking at a woman one is not married to is forbidden then, of course,
touching them or being alone with them is prohibited. The Holy
Prophet intimated that holding the hand of a foreign woman is more
terrible than touching fire. He signaled that one who does so will grasp
the fire of Hell."
...is uncanny.
(Predictably), Gönüllü's post drew strong reactions on social media,
which prompted him to post this: "situations that occur in hidden places
and, in fact, sometimes in public areas make one worry about the future
of our community. The 'ayets' (verses of the Koran) and 'hadis' are
applicable throughout the universe. It is the duty of every Moslem
wherever they are to share these 'ayets' and 'hadis'. If the ones you know
are limited then have others who know more examples share them. We
know that anyone who opposes this is anti-Moslem."
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