türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 15 October 2017)
Actually, the statue is ass-backwards - should be a human moron.
The Eskişehir municipality has put a statue entitled "Donkey Spewing
Sunflower Seeds" on the bank of the Porsuk Creek as a comical effort
to shame those who spoil the environment. Mayor Yılmaz Büyükerşen
explained that "most of our citizens are sensitive about he value of
Porsuk Creek so based on their complaints we wanted to draw attention
to the matter in a funny way."
On the other hand, some citizens noted that "animals don't spoil the
environment, people do. The message the statue gives is good but it's
a bit of an insult to donkeys." (!)

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Korkusuz Newspaper, 15 October 2017)

Who's the boss?
In Mardin, a young man who began working as a contract employee
for the Artuklu municipality after finishing university is cleaning the
streets of Artuklu with a donkey that is a full-fledged municipal
employee (!).
Şehmus Uytun wanted to become a policeman after graduating from
the Tourism and Hotel Management Faculty at Artuklu University,
Instead, he took a contract job with the municipality through the
municipal employment agency İŞKUR and has two months remaining
on his contract.
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