(HaberTürk Newspaper, 29 October 2017)
Picture taken during boys' 'Fruit of the Loom' commercial.
On 1 March 2015, Ramazan Fırat (20), a student at the Lüleburgaz
campus of Kırklareli University, was found dead in his dormatory room
with his wrists slashed and a knife in his throat. His roommates Can T.,
Halil Ç. and Mustafa K. were arrested and a case was opened against
them for 'premeditated murder with monstrous torture'. Nevertheless,
the three suspects were released pending trial (!) and Fırat's other
roommate, Emrah K., who was in Gallipoli on the murder date, was not
An expert's report was presented at the latest hearing of the case the day
before yesterday. According to the report, male boxer shorts examined
by the Istanbul Criminal Police Lab showed traces of the DNA of Fırat,
Halil Ç. and Emrah K. Consequently, the three suspects (Can T., Halil
Ç. and Mustafa K.) were jailed. Another investigation was ordered to
determine whether and how it could be possible that traces of the DNA
of three people could be found on the same boxer shorts and whether
this could have somehow happened in the washing machine.
The court ordered a detailed investigation about Emrah K., whose DNA
was found on the boxer shorts but who was in Gallipoli on the date of
the murder. The report noted that it takes between 2 and 2.5 hours to
travel from Gallipoli to Lüleburgaz and that Emrah K. had a key to the
dorm room. Four persons who said they saw Emrah K. in Gallipoli
that day were reinterviewed and Emrah K.'s telephone records were
According to Can T.'s lawyer Şamil Gerek, the expert's report changes
the direction of the case: "the report says that police found red stains
on the wrist and front portions of Mustafa K.'s blue t-shirt found in
the closet. We've been waiting 2.5 years to learn this. Fırat's body was
pulled to the side away from where the blood was most evident, yet
there are no footprints nor any sign of a struggle. Once these aspects
are examined the real killer will emerge."
In the suspects' statements they all said that they heard no noise,
screaming or cries on the day of the murder and that they had not
locked the door. The fact that all of the suspects' statements essentially
copied each other, the cleaning of the bathroom that night, the washing
of two of the suspects' underwear and Halil Ç.'s sneakers being left to
dry on top of the radiator, have all increased police suspicion.

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