türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 6 October 2017)
You gambled...and you lost.
In Istanbul, a businessman who lost at roulette tipped off police to
the gambling parlor where he played and two police officers went
to the parlor in Balmumcu as customers. As a result, two female
croupiers, a manager and two others were taken into custody.
The businessman told police that an office on Barbaros Boulevard
had been turned into a gambling salon. Police noted many people
going in and out of the building so a male and female officer acting
as a married couple entered the salon, saying that the businessman
had recommended it to them (!) to gain entrance.
Once the gambling began the officers summoned back-up units
that raided the salon. Croupiers N.Ç. (32) and Z.S. (29) were taken
into custody, along with manager M.S. (20). 11 people caught
gambling were fined 227 TL each and three roulette wheels were
confiscated, together with gambling chips.

Patrons were stunned by the police raid.
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