türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 October 2017)

Vive le chat!
The sight of 3 kittens on the roof of a vacant two-story house on Sevgi
Street in the Eski Karaman neighborhood of Nilüfer, Bursa, prompted
onlookers to call the Bursa fire department to rescue the kittens. When
the incident went on social media animal-lovers in France saw the news
and called the Bursa fire department, too. (!)
The Bursa firefighters went into action, along with the Nilüfer Search
& Rescue team (NAK) and the Nilüfer Veterinary Directorate. Roof
tiles were removed one by one, allowing the rescuers to enter under the
roof, where they found that a mother cat had given birth to the three
kittens. During the rescue operation 2 of the kittens escaped and
the rescuers grabbed the third, later releasing it on the ground.
A model for France & Turkey cooperation henceforth.
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