(HaberTürk Newspaper, 28 March 2017)
Captured, better late than never...
Contractor Ali Ergün (then 41) was murdered and left on the side of the
road in Ilgın, Konya, in 2001. When the murder wasn't solved it went to
the cold-case shelf. Recently, though, Konya police took another look at
the case, examing all the related material in the case file.
Police examined the SSK (national health insurance system) records of
workers from a hotel construction site near where the body was found.
The workers were located and statements taken from Soner S., Ramazan
S., Deniz B. and Halil V. Police determined that the four had left Ilgın
district suddenly on the night of the murder, without even collecting
their pay and belongings.
Halil V. was tracked down in Istanbul, Deniz B. and Soner S. in
Zonguldak and Ramazan S. in Manisa. They were taken into custody
and brought to Konya. They had planned to steal the payroll from
the construction site that night in 2001 but when this plan failed they
stopped Ali Ergün, who just happened to be driving his car along the
highway, at gunpoint.

Sequel script already written.
The suspects took Ergün to the 32nd kilometer point on the Ankara
highway and demanded money from him. Receiving a negative reply
from the businessman, they shot him 6 times with two guns. The killers
took Ergün's cellphone and money before absconding.
Suspect Deniz B., said to have killed Ergün for money, fled to
Zonguldak where he perpetrated a massacre (!). Deniz B. murdered
Ahmet Kavak, whom he claimed owed him money, along with Kavak's
common-law wife Ayşe Akça and their two children, Süheyda (4) and
Tufan (6 months). While serving a 14-year sentence for the murders,
Deniz B. said he knew that the Ergün murder would come out one day
and he would be back in jail.

Ilgın district is in west-central Konya province.
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