(Millyet Newspaper, 17 March 2017)
Justice derails.
Izmir municipal worker Salih Aktaş (42) won 8,000 TL in a suit he
filed agaist doctors who left two needle points in his neck after
an operation. However, a higher court reversed the decision (why?!)
and Aktaş was forced to pay back his award, plus interest, amounting
to 26,000 TL. (!)
Unable to pay, Aktaş resigned and used his severance pay to meet
the debt. He is now looking for a new job to support his family.
Aktaş's travail began in 2008 with the neck operation. He won the
suit againt the doctors but lost on appeal. Aktaş tried for 5 years to
pay off his debt with deductions from his paycheck but ultimately
had no choice but to resign and take severance pay.
Izmir province
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