(Millyet Newspaper, 31 March 2017)
"Enter Over Fence"
Taylan Kocahan lives in Sarıçam district of Adana. When he woke
up in the morning to go to work he encountered a thief in his bedroom.
The suspect took 1,700 TL (about $500) from Kocahan's pants pocket
and jumped from flat's second floor balcony to escape.
Kocahan chased the fleeing thief up to the U.S. air base at İncirlik,
where the suspect, Polat Yıldız, scaled the base's perimeter fence
and disappeared into the base. Kocahan alerted police who contacted
base security officials and Yıldız was captured in the airplane hanger
Yıldız was processed at a police station while officials at the base
evaluated the vulnerability of their perimeter fence.
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