(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 March 2017)

Latter day students of Plato, above. In bygone times, below.

Composer and arranger Emrah Karaduman was stabbed at the
entrance to his hotel in Eskişehir the night before last. Karaduman
was taken to Eskişehir Osmangazi University Hospital for an operation,
after which he was reported to be in good condition.
Enis Duman (33), the attacker, also wounded Karaduman's driver. In
his statement to police Duman explained that he is a devoted fan of
singer Aleyna Tilki, who performed together at a concert with Karaduman
singing her hit song 'Cevapsız Çınlama' (Unanswered Palpatation). Duman
said that he attacked Karaduman because of his platonic love for Tilki. He
was processed at a police station and released with the stipulation that he
not leave the country.
Enis the menace in custody...but soon after released.
When Tilki (16!) heard about the attack she went to Eskişehir with her father
to visit Karaduman. After seeing him she stated that "it was a horrible
incident. Thankfully he's OK. We didn't talk but he indicated to me the he'll
recover." The knife blows entered the empty part of Karaduman's midsection
and no internal organs were harmed.
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