(Sözcü Newspaper, 24 March 2017)
"The doctor must have put it in there!"
Narcotics Squad Police in Uşak made a routine traffic stop along
the Ankara-Izmir highway. One of the passengers on a bus
heading from Diyarbakır to Izmir, who's leg was in a cast, caught
the attention of police.
N.T. (23) was brought to the police station and the cast on his
right leg was removed, revealing a bag with 1.85 kilograms of
narcotics. The able-bodied N.T. was taken to jail.
Uşak province
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 March 2017)
![[Haber görseli]](http://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/thumbs/600x267/Archive/2017/3/24/706017_resource/son_oyun.jpg)
Cast of characters: Policeman Sağcan, Actors Gürel and Kapdağlı.
Izmir policeman Osman Sağcan has filed suit against actors Murat
Kapdağlı and Rüçhan Gürel for breaking his finger. Sağcan is asking
for 17,000 TL (about $4,000) in compensation.
The incident in question occurred on 12 April last year when Sağcan,
on duty in front of the Romanian Consulate, got into a parking dispute
with the two actors. Allegedly, Kapdağlı insulted Sağcan and grabbed
and twisted his right index finger, breaking it. Gürel also insulted the
The judge settled the case by sentencing Kapdağlı to 21 months in jail
and Gürel to 11 months, 20 days - but both sentences were postponed
for 5 years (!). Sağcan, however, filed a civil suit against the actors,
asserting that he had not been able to work for 8 months and had
incurred expenses associated with his broken finger.

Rehearsing their assault on police officer Sağcan.
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