(Hürriyet Newspaper, 1 March 2017)

If you don't like the canteen menu, starve.
In Yüreğir district of Adana city, 4 students at 75th Year Anadolu
High School in the Atakent neighborhood ordered lunch from an off-
campus restaurant. When their meals came the four sat in the school's
garden and began eating. At this point, O.O. (17), the nephew of the
school canteen manager, came up to the four and demanded to know
"why did you order from outside when there's a canteen here?!"
An argument ensued between the four students and O.O., with his
uncle Necati O. quickly joining in, to create a regular melee. O.O.
grabbed a knife from the canteen and attacked the four students,
injuring two seriously. Canteen manager Necati O. and his nephew
O.O. were released by police after giving statements.

Adana province
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Korkusuz Newspaper, 1 March 2017)
School's just no fun any more.
In Süloğlu district of Edirne province, the administration of Cumhuriyet
Middle School has initiated a project called 'curse-free area' in order to
curb cursing and slang among students. Penalties for those who transgress
include 'taking care of the bulletin board and bringing liquid soap to school'.
School Principal Nilgün İncik explained that "our aim is to prevent our kids
from using slang words and to speak Turkish properly. When the children
don't speak poorly this has a positive effect among their families at home,
as well. Girl students, who get irritated by the slang speech of the boys, are
particularly pleased with the project.

Edirne province
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