(Millyet Newspaper, 25 April 2017)
"Hey girls, we're comin' to git ya!"
In Eleşkirt district of Ağrı province, Erhan Demir (29), who has
been waiting 11 years for a kidney transplant, and Erhan Demirci (30),
who has been suffering from liver insufficiency for 15 years and
waiting for a liver transplant for 6 years, long ago applied to the Organ
Transplant Center at Erzurum Atatürk University's Yakutiye Training
and Research Hospital.
Recently it was determined that the kidney and liver of an individual
who died in Amasya were a match for the two Erhans. They both
received news of the availability on the same day and set out for
Erzurum from Eleşkirt, unbeknownst to each other. The two Erhans
were operated on at the same time by Prof. Dr. Gürkan Öztürk and his
After the successful operations, Demir and Demirci related that their
aim now is to get married (not to each other, of course.)

Eleşkirt district is west of Ağrı's provincial capital.
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