(Milliyet Newspaper, 19 April 2017)

He lit up in the not-so-friendly skies of Erzurum.
In Erzurum, vollyball coach Sinan Erhan (43) was the victim of
'disproportionate force' inflicted by police because he was smoking
in a no-smoking area. At about 2330 on the night of 11 April in
the Yakutiye section of Erzurum's capital, Erhan lit up a cigarette
in a 'nargilehane' (water-pipe/hookah smoking (!) club) but refused
to put it out when warned by club workers.
Police were called to the scene and one of them sprayed Erhan in
the eyes with pepper gas, Two other policemen pinned him to
the ground and tried to put handcuffs on him. Security camera images
of the incident showed police kicking Erhan, as well.
Erhan went to a hospital to get a report confirming his injuries and
then went to the police station to give a statement at about 0130,
after which he was released. Erhan's brother İlhan Erhan then brought
his older brother to Atatürk University Hospital's emergency room
and filed a complaint against the police, as well.
His brother's keeper.
İlhan Erhan said this about his brother Sinan: "He served as an officer
in Siirt in 1999-2000. A month before his discharge while going on
a mission with his commando unit a fellow soldier next to him was
killed by a mine explosion. He had a nervous breakdown because of
this. For the past 8 years he's been working as a vollyball coach in the
Provincial Youth Services and Sports Directorate."
Continuing, İlhan said that "the police who came to the nargilehane
told my brother harshly to 'get up, you're coming with us." In response,
Sinan said 'you can't talk to me that way!' I think that because of my
brother's size and demeanor the police got scared, sprayed him and
threw him to the ground. Another 12-13 policemen arrived at the
scene and kicked my brother while he was on the ground. Because
of the beating he got his psychological illness resurfaced (PTSD).
Because there's no treatment here they sent him to Elazığ on 17
April. Everyone who did this to my brother will pay a price. The
doctor noted that his left eye and right arm were injured. He had
bruises all over his body."
The resemblance is uncanny...
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