türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 13 July 2018)
Möhteber hanım will remember the fuss and forget the bus,
In Adana, Möhteber Yılmaz (56) had 420 Euros stolen from her
handbag while on a passenger bus. The bus assistant helped
Yılmaz with regard to the theft and, although she suspected that
the bus assistant was the thief, she gave him a 200 TL tip for his
efforts on her behalf. (!)
Yılmaz, who works in Germany, was coming on the bus to Adana
for a vacation. At a rest-stop along the way, Yılmaz got off the bus
but when she got back on she noticed that the 420 Euros were
missing. Yılmaz asked bus assistant Oktay Ü. for help but when
his 'search' came up empty he notified police about the situation as
the bus approached Adana.
At the bus terminal in Adana, police took a statement from Yılmaz,
in which she said she suspected that Oktay Ü. had stolen her money.
Police then searched the bus and found the money in a compartment
inside the bus. Oktay U. was taken into custody but Yılmaz, who
had not yet learned about the money being found in the secret
compartment, gave Oktay Ü. a 200 TL tip for his efforts to help
her (!).
During police interrogation, Oktay Ü. confessed to the theft. When
Yılmaz learned of his confession, she took back the 200 TL tip and
filed complaints against both Oktay Ü. and the bus company.
Oktay Ü. was released under judicial control.
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