türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 26 July 2018)
'Bezbol' instead of chickpeas could have prevented this!
Lokman Sümbül lives in Aydınşeyh village of Balışeyh district of
Kırıkkale province. He hired a combine harvester for his chickpea
field's harvest and while the harvester, operated by one Hacı (last
name unknown), was working Sümbül's neighbor Eray Sevindim
happened by.
What might have been in Kırıkkale...
Sevindim claimed that Sümbül and the harvester had passed through
his land. This led to an argument that resulted in gunfire, with
Sevindim, Sümbül and his friend İsmail Canal losing their lives.
Another four people were wounded from the gunfire and taken to
hospitals. The Gendarmerie took 3 suspects into custody.

Meanwhile, in Çiçekliyurt village of Bağlar district in Diyarbakır
province, an argument over fields between relatives Abudullah and
Mustafa A. resulted in Abdullah A. firing on a crowd, leaving 9
people injured, two critically. As the suspects are being sought,
tension remains high in the village.

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