second half of Gen. Papoulas's book, as the General circles
back to his initial appointment as Commander of the Army
of Asia Minor in November 1920, decrying the related
actions and comments of his bitter rival Gen. Stratigos.//

Prime Minister Gounaris, seated right, and Gen. Papoulas
and others in Izmir, Easter 1921.
How I Conducted My Command
Mr. Stratigos writes in his articles published in Politika newspaper: “I did not
mention General Papoulas because I forgot him, but rather because the
aforementioned individual never comprehended the enormous job he was
performing mechanically, blindly, with just the shape of his signature, which is
why at the time of the calamity he appeared to be so spiritless. I was never fooled
regarding Mr. Papoulas’s military value, as I was fooled about the soundness of a
great many other former colleagues, with regard to their ideas and opinions.”

Gen. Stratigos, right front, with Prime Minister Venizelos, top hat, left.
(probably 1920)
The successful job was accomplished not with the shape of my signature, but
rather, as I hope will be understood with the following explanation, by means of
my decisive personal initiative. Let us follow the evolution of the events:
1 – In November, 1920, after Mr. Venizelos was deposed, I was released
from Avarof Prison on 4 November. On the seventh day of the same month, I
appeared in person at the Ministry of Justice at the invitation of the government.
After repeated telegrams from General Paraskevopoulos insisting on the change,
it was announced with a decree that I had been appointed as commander of the
Army of Asia Minor. I accepted this duty and when I asked Mr. Pallis to become
my chief of staff he accepted this duty, as well.
The following day, when my movement to Izmir was decided upon I went to see
Prime Minister Rallis and informed him of my ideas and opinions about the army
command. At that time, I said these words to Mr. Rallis:
I am certain that you know that the duty you have placed upon me is quite
heavy. And if one takes note of the existing political divisions within the army,
then this increases the difficulty of this duty tenfold. Consequently, in order to
command the army, besides forceful discipline, efforts will have to be made to
engender harmony and understanding between the officers, whose judgments
have been completely confused and whose ideas have been turned upside down.
I believe that only in this way will we be successful in reinforcing the discipline
and morale of the army. Everyone must know and understand that the army
command is truly impartial and just. I request that on this matter you assure me
that I have the government’s support.
After listening to me, the Prime Minister lightly slapped his hands on my
shoulders and said this: I absolutely agree with you on this matter; I wish you
a pleasant journey and great success.
A while later I repeated these same words to the late Gounaris, who agreed with
me and who added these words:
me and who added these words:
General, I am in complete agreement with you. Upon your arrival in Izmir, I
ask that you inform me by telegram of the situation and whether or not there is any
need for me to go there personally.
ask that you inform me by telegram of the situation and whether or not there is any
need for me to go there personally.
Nevertheless, Mr. Stratigos, denying that the initiative on this matter came from me
(saying that he preceded me in proclaiming this issue), claims that I received clear
orders to command the army in an impartial manner. The evening of the same day,
together with Mr. Pallis, I departed for Izmir, where I was met with excited ovations
from both the army and the public.
(saying that he preceded me in proclaiming this issue), claims that I received clear
orders to command the army in an impartial manner. The evening of the same day,
together with Mr. Pallis, I departed for Izmir, where I was met with excited ovations
from both the army and the public.
As General Paraskevopoulos handed over command to me he said these words:
My General, let me confess that your appointment to the command of the Army
of Asia Minor is a success for the government; because you are the only one suitable
for this position.

Gen. Papoulas, third from left.
of Asia Minor is a success for the government; because you are the only one suitable
for this position.

Gen. Papoulas, third from left.
Mr. Stratigos would never think that this was the thinking of the then-chief
commander. But General Paraskevopoulos knew me very well; because we worked
together many times during the 1912 war. Yet Mr. Stratigos never worked with me; as
is known, while others were at war the aforementioned individual was busy
promulgating and minutely examining pedantic theories.
commander. But General Paraskevopoulos knew me very well; because we worked
together many times during the 1912 war. Yet Mr. Stratigos never worked with me; as
is known, while others were at war the aforementioned individual was busy
promulgating and minutely examining pedantic theories.
The evening of the same day, I informed Mr. Gounaris by telegram that there
was no need for him to come to Izmir at that time. I also related to all detachments
and organizations that I had been appointed to command the army. The following day
I received many congratulatory telegrams from the various army corps, division and
regimental commanders; at the same time, Mssrs. Nider, Tesimilalis, Gargalidis,
Marta, Terikupis and others announced that they wanted to remain under my command.
was no need for him to come to Izmir at that time. I also related to all detachments
and organizations that I had been appointed to command the army. The following day
I received many congratulatory telegrams from the various army corps, division and
regimental commanders; at the same time, Mssrs. Nider, Tesimilalis, Gargalidis,
Marta, Terikupis and others announced that they wanted to remain under my command.
I must admit that these developments encouraged me; because I was afraid that
these officers would leave the army based on their political feelings. At this time, with
an order-of-the-day, I informed all detachments and organizations under my
command of my decision to conduct my command duties in an impartial manner;
in this order, I recommended that all political arguments be abandoned, that discipline
be obeyed and that everyone exhibit fervent devotion to the job at hand. I also called
attention to matters related to my intention to reward those who worked and to act
harshly toward those who, through political agitation, would diminish army morale
and disturb discipline.
these officers would leave the army based on their political feelings. At this time, with
an order-of-the-day, I informed all detachments and organizations under my
command of my decision to conduct my command duties in an impartial manner;
in this order, I recommended that all political arguments be abandoned, that discipline
be obeyed and that everyone exhibit fervent devotion to the job at hand. I also called
attention to matters related to my intention to reward those who worked and to act
harshly toward those who, through political agitation, would diminish army morale
and disturb discipline.
Subsequently, after investigating the army’s situation and requirements, I asked
the government to fill the vacancies in the detachments and to ameliorate the observed
deficiencies. Presented below is the report concerning the amelioration of vacancies
in the fighting units.

General Papoulas in Kütahya, 1921.
the government to fill the vacancies in the detachments and to ameliorate the observed
deficiencies. Presented below is the report concerning the amelioration of vacancies
in the fighting units.

General Papoulas in Kütahya, 1921.
Command of the Army of Asia Minor Izmir
General Staff Office: 1 21 November 1920
To the Ministry of War
(To the Army General Staff Office) Secret
I have the honor to inform you that because of the discharge of the 1915 class,
there has been a significant decrease in the strength of the infantry divisions.
Below is a proposal for matters related to the reinforcement of the main force:
1.Re-transport of the Kydonia infantry division to Asia Minor. This infantry
division, together with two regiments of the Crete infantry division (which
in any case is an element of the Kydonia division), will form a regularized
complete infantry division.
2. All soldiers currently in country (in Greece), (the 4th infantry division
and soldiers attached to separate regiments) should be sent at the same
3. Units of the Army of Thrace, which has been reduced to peacetime
strength, should be brought to a basic level sufficient to ensure the
protection of the Greece-Bulgaria border.
4. All extra soldiers and animals of the Army of Thrace made available
through this process should be sent to us (excepting the 1916 conscripts).
With these reinforcing detachments I think we will be able to remedy the
manning shortfalls in the infantry divisions of the main force. However, I also
think that we will not have sufficient animals to meet our needs. In this regard, we
will endeavor to fulfill your orders as required in a timely fashion and in accordance
with the needs that will become evident.
If the government decides to discharge the 1916 class, which amounts to
31,000 soldiers, with the discharge of this class, even if our above-mentioned requests
are accepted, the manning of the Army of Asia Minor will remain as it is today. This,
though, would be dangerous in regard to the current situation and the front that must
be defended. However, this being the case, the reinforcing detachments to be added
based on the measures mentioned above, should be sent before the 1916 class is
In short, in the event that it is not necessary to send the 4th division to Epir,
then it would be very beneficial for the aforementioned division to be put under our
command in order to increase our reserve forces, which are quite depleted.
Commander of the Army of Asia Minor
A. Papoulas
Six days later I went to the front to inspect and was met with enthusiasm by
both the officers and the soldiers. I succeeded in reassuring the officers with the trust
and discipline I inspired in them; otherwise, since most of the officers were
Venizelosts, they would have obeyed niether my orders nor, as is known, the
orders of the government they disliked.
But reconciliation did not work for “Mr. Stratigos”; because reconciliation
ruined the personal masterpiece of the aforementioned individual, who provoked
the initial breach among officers in 1912-1913. At that time, “Mr. Stratigos”, who
was a then a General Staff officer, designed and drew up the famous three-promotion
schedule (following the First and Second Balkan Wars) and the complete
implementation and execution of this schedule caused the initial discomfort and
separation among officers.

Greek troops in the heat of battle.
Offensive Reconnaissance Conducted in December, 1920
Because of the return of the “King” to Greece, on 5 December I went to
“Athens” as the “army” representative for the welcoming ceremony. Two days after
the arrival of the “King”, I informed “Mr. Rallis” that because most of the
information gathered by the (army) about the enemy organization and war
capabilities was dubious, there was a need for the “army” to mount an offensive
reconnaissance to ascertain the validity of this information. At the same time, I
told the “Prime Minister” that in the event that the reconnaissance determined that
the enemy opposing us was made up only of irregular forces, then it might be
possible for us to reduce our forces under arms.
After the “Prime Minister” and “Minister of War” accepted and approved my
proposal, I returned to Izmir and ordered my General Staff to make the necessary
preparations for such a reconnaissance.
Once these preparations were made, in the middle of December I went to
“Bursa” with “Mr. Pallis” and “Mr. Sarıyanis” to closely follow the results of the
military operation. Around 20 December, the 3rd Army Corps successfully
conducted its reconnassaince operation and as a result it was understood that
the “Army of Kemal” was not disorganized but, on the contrary, orderly and, more
to the point, possessed cannon and machine guns, being more or less perfectly
equipped in its organization.
I presented a report with my impressions of this reconnassaince to the
government and I added to this report an explanation showing the preferred
situation of the front and the army from every standpoint.
“Mr. Stratigos” wanted to deny that this had been done on my initiative,
claiming that the reconnassaince had been ordered by the “Grand General
Command”. Along with this claim, because he did not attribute any importance
to the possibility of the 1921 March operation, I had avoided mention of the
aforementioned operation.
However, public opinion has a right to learn about all the secret aspects of
this tragic affair. And “Mr. Stratigos” should be certain that none of these aspects
will be forgotten (will be not pass without discussion). “Mr. Stratigos” and “his
confederates” tried to make it the general consensus that I was the lone culprit of
this expedition. Let us see whether he is right or wrong.

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