türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Vatan Newspaper, 21 July 2018)
They forgot the old adage "if it sounds too good to be true..."
In Antalya, quite a few truck drivers went to the police, saying they
were promised a 4,000 Euro monthly salary for work abroad but were
left with nothing in the end. The 55 truck drivers from various
provinces gathered in front of a shopping center in Kepez district to
wait for those who had promised to place them in jobs in Norway (!).
When the promisers failed to arrive the truckers realized they had
been bilked. One of them, Savaş Seçim of Konya's Seydişehir
district, said he had come to Antalya in order to go to Norway for
work. He added that "they got in touch with us through people we
know and made the offer, which we accepted. But we had to give
them a 2,000 TL pre-payment. There was a brief meeting in Alanya,
where we paid for health reports."
Seçim said they have tried to find those who promised the jobs but
in vain. He added that "they promised us a 4,100 Euro monthly
salary in Norway and said we'd get 42 Euro per work hour extra,
working 8-hour days with weekends off." (!)

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