türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 30 July 2018)
cafeteria killing click here for the video.
Before and after "the kiss".
In Seyhan district of Adana province, retired policeman Talip Ç.(55)
called his brother-in-law İsmet Avcı (50) about an outstanding debt.
Receiving an unsatisfactory reply, Talip Ç. went to a cafeteria where
he knew Avcı would be to talk to him about the debt.
Talip Ç. sat down at a table next to Avcı, shook his hand and kissed
his cheeks. However, after a brief conversation, an argument erupted
between the two and an angry Talip Ç. pulled out a revolver, firing
at Avcı. As the other customers in the cafeteria scrambled for their
lives (see video), Talip Ç. got up and walked out as if nothing special
had happened. Avcı died at a hospital and Talip Ç. was picked up by
police shortly afterwards.

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