18 Temmuz 2018 Çarşamba

Bus (Mole)-Station in Judicial Vacuum

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Vatan Newspaper, 17 July 2018)

[Haber görseli]
All this trouble, just for trying to be helpful...

bus assistant click here for previous TNT reporting of this ilk.

brazilian model click her for TNT coverage of another bus

Teenager E.A. left Çorlu in February for her semester break, boarding
a bus with her mother and grandmother to visit relatives in Iğdır. On
the return trip, however, E.A. was molested by bus assistant Cihat T.
near Amasya and he was arrested and jailed.

E.A. explained that "my mother and I were sitting together on the
bus but my mother went to sit by my grandfather to keep him
company.  After I watched some TV I fell asleep.  When I awoke
bus assistant Cihat T. had his hands on my breasts (!).  As his
hands were headed toward my private parts I awoke completely.
He sat down next to me so I changed my seat but he sat next to
me again and asked 'did you like it?'  When I said 'no!' he kissed
my cheeks and the side of my lips.  Arriving home my aunt asked
me why I was so quiet so I told her about my experience."

As for Cihat T., he said that E.A. misunderstood his intentions (!):
"When we came to Amasya E.A.'s shirt was open from her waist
to her breasts so I straightened out her shirt and covered her,
tucking in her shirt to her tights.  She apparently misunderstood
my actions." (!)

After an indictment was prepared by the Çorlu Public Prosecutor
the court ruled that since the incident occurred in Amasya it
should be tried there.  However, the court in Amasya objected
to this.  In consequence, E.A.'s lawyer Bihter Mekereci lamented
that "in these days when sexual harassment incidents are on the
rise they can't even get this case started.  The Yargıtay (senior
court) has to figure out this jurisdiction issue." 

çorlu amasya ığdır haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Çorlu is near Istanbul on the left of the blue line. Iğdır
all the way on the right, with Amasya about in the middle.

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