türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Vatan Newspaper, 22 July 2018)

Zeynep's ready again for some finger-licken' good KFC!
Osman and Özge Çağlar live in Saryar village in Yıldızeli district
of Sivas province. The couple's daughter Zeynep began playing on
a tractor in front of the house with her 2-year-old sibling on Tuesday
evening, when the sibling accidently pushed the starter while
Zeynep's hands were inside the motor compartment.
Zeynep's screams alerted her parents, who rushed her to Sivas
Cumhuriyet University Hospital, where doctor's tried to mend
Zeynep's right index finger, which had been cut off by the tractor's
motor fan. Her thumb and middle finger were seriously injured,
as well.

Yıldızeli district is in Sivas's northwest.
From Sivas the family went to Kayseri but since there were no
micro-surgery capabilities in Kayseri the family was transported
first to Antalya by a Health Ministry air-ambulance and from
Antalya to a private hospital in Kumluca by helicopter. On
Wednesday morning, a team was waiting for Zeynep at the
Kumluca hospital, where Zeynep's index finger was successfully
re-attached in a 6-hour operation. Her other injured fingers were
treated, as well.
Zeynep's grateful father Osman stated that "May God bless our
government for giving my child an airplane and a helicopter!"

Kumluca is near Finike, south of Antalya city.
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