türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 31 March 2018)
The road always has a few tricks up its sleeve in these
A 5-member Iranian family returning at night from a Nevruz vacation in
Trabzon, plunged 8 meters into a giant road construction hole on the the
Gümüşhane-Bayburt highway. Subsequently, a minibus fell into the hole,
as well. In all, 8 people lost their lives and 4 were injured in the two
Erol Emir, a bus driver who plies the same route each day between Trabzon
and Erzurum, observed that "work started here 5 days ago and they restricted
travel to one lane but they put the warning sign only 10 meters in front of the
hole. These accidents happened at night but even during the day there was a
great risk of falling into the hole."
Another claim made in connection with the incidents is that
there was only a small pile of sand and dirt 50 meters ahead of the hole
to give any warning at all and that the official warning signs were, in fact,
put there after the accidents occurred. (!)
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 31 March 2018)
...for instance, there's the moving lamppost...
A minibus carrying Afghani, Pakistani and Iranian illegal migrants
from the Iranian border into Turkey went out of control on the Iğdır-
Kars highway and hit a lamppost. Some of the passengers were
thrown onto the roadway with the impact, which caused the vechile
to burst into flames. Then, another minibus transporting illegal migrants
hit the people on the roadway. 17 individuals died and 36 were injured
in the calamity.
The driver of the second minibus, Mehmet K., tried to flee but was
captured by police. There were more than 50 people in the 14-person
capacity minibus, which had been barred from traffic by a court in
2015 for multiple violations.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 31 March 2018)
...and the always tiresome oncoming traffic.
In Kocasinan, Kayseri, on 25 March a car driven by Mustafa Üzüm
was sideswiped by a car zig-zagging at high speed. As a result,
Üzüm crossed over into oncoming traffic and hit an ambulance.
The accident claimed the lives of Mustafa Üzüm (29), Soner Üzüm (29),
Mehmet (36), his wife Zehra (29) and children Safiye Nur (6) and
Hamza (8).
Reached for comment in Georgia, Adnan Ö. said "What?".
Adnan Ö.'s weapon of choice.
Kayseri police found the zig-zagger's damaged white luxury sportscar
in a tea garden near the scene of the accident on 27 March. The car's
owner, Adnan Ö. of Kayseri, the married father of 3 children, crossed
the Turkey-Georgia border at the Sarp border crossing 30 hours after
the incident. Adnan Ö. has been charged with "causing the death of
more than one person through negligence." and an international
warrant for his arrest has been sent to Georgian officials.
Kayseri is in central Turkey. Adnan Ö. fled to Georgia, upper right.