türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 31 March 2018)
Dressing down for the perp walk.
Police in Adana looked into a fraud complaint from a bank and determined
that 3 million TL (about $700,000) had been withdrawn from the bank as
credit but never repaid. Further investigation revealed that bank official
Hakan I. had approved the credit for the 105 individuals who withdrew the
credits. After surveilling Hakan İ., police found that he had a gang of 12,
two of them women, who arranged for the credit withdrawals with fake
Teacher Savaş E. was identified by police as a gang member but he died
last year. Active gang members were identified as Kenan K., Arif Ö.,
Derya A. and Nesrin C. and it turned out that these suspects had enlisted
beggars, drug addicts and thieves to withdraw credit from the bank. (!)
Prior to sending their charges to the bank, the suspects dressed them in
suits and ties and then Hakan İ. approved their credit applications. (!)
Police rounded up the suspects in Adana and Hatay. The gang gave its
"representatives" 40% of the credit they withdrew from the bank.
Waiting for his Brooks Brothers suit and a trip to the bank.
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