türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 6 March 2018)

Give me a child and I'll shape him into anything...
especially a wallpaper-hater.
The Wallpaper and Wall Covering Producers Importers and
Sellers Association has reacted negatively to a bank, which is
promoting wall paint as a good reason for a family to obtain
credit from the bank, in its advertising film and campaign.
The wallpaper association asserts that there is a subliminal (!)
message in the bank's ads, to the effect that wall paint is better
and more worthwhile than wallpaper. Through its lawyer, Dilek
Şahbaz, the association has filed protests with the bank, RTÜK
(radio and TV regulatory authority) and Youtube (!).
The wallpaper association claims that in the bank's second
advertising film, called "Big Visions in Tiny Hands", the kids
in the commercial are made familiar with chemical paint in
the sense that it is fun to touch and play with, unfairly creating
a pro-paint bias. The association claims, as well, that its research
shows that young children, in particular, pester their parents at
home and elsewhere to buy colorful paint for them to play with
and that this creates tension within families.
In the protest, lawyer Şahbaz states that "in the ads the bank
disparages wallpaper, which is healthy in a home, and promotes
wall paint, creating unfair competition between the two products.
Having the children play with paint in the commercials is
extremely unhealthy and dangerous."
Yes! There is such an association. Who'd a thunk it...
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