türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 12 March 2018)
Driver Şeyhmus K. wondering if he should have
gone to med school instead to be a surgeon.
In Istanbul, Zafer İ and his older sister Nilgün İ. got into a taxi
at Yenikapı in order to go to Şişli in another part of the city.
Taxi driver Şeyhmus K. took the long way to Şişli through
Kasımpaşa. When Nilgün İ. objected, Şeyhmus K. stopped
his cab on Abide-i Hürriyet Avenue and said "I'm not your
private chauffeur. Get out! I don't want to take you!"
Zafer İ. got out of the taxi but when Şeyhmus K. asked for his
fare, Zafer İ said "after all of this, you want money?!" In order
to resolve the matter, Nilgün paid the fare Şeymus K. demanded
but Şeyhmus K. started to rifle through Nilgün hanım's bags,
prompting Zafer İ. to hit the taxi's door. In reaction, Şeymus K.
pulled a knife on Zafer İ,, wounding him slightly in the head. In
the ensuing tumult, the taxi's rear window was broken, as well.
After police intervened, both parties filed complaints, with
Şeymus K. claiming he used his knife in self-defense. In the end,
the public prosecutor asked for a sentence of from 6 months to
1.5 years for Şeymus K. for "intentionally inflicting a minor

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