türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 March 2018)

At least their 'lunch table' isn't snow-covered (today).
The number of students at the middle school in Yanıkkaval village
of Şenkaya district, Erzurum province, dipped below 40 so the
school was closed. Instead, the 36 remaining students were
registered at a school in Kömürlü village, 5 kilometers away.
However, since the cafeteria contract for the Kömürlü school had
already been finalized the new students from Yanıkkaval have to
eat lunches their mothers have made for them, in the school's garden,
using a wall as their lunch table. One of their parents, Akın Erdem,
lamented that "our kids go to and from school in a minibus provided
by the district chief's office but because of the cafeteria contract
issue, out of 105 students at the school our 36 kids aren't given lunch.
They won't let them eat in their classroom because of the smell so
they have to use the garden wall as their lunch table and eat there."
Şenkaya district officials said they were trying to work out the
Şenkaya district is in NE Erzurum province.
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