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(HaberTürk Newspaper, 8 May 2018)
In Çorum, you can fool all of the people all of the time.
Workers at the Ulu Cemetery in the Çepni neighborhood of
Çorum noticed that a young girl came to the grave of Fatma Ç.
on the night of 26 April and cried. The same girl came back to
the grave on 27, 28 and 29 April and cried again. When word
got out about the mysterious girl, wild stories began to spread
and people started flocking to the cemetery.
Cameras were placed in the cemetery to try to capture the young
girl's activities but the girl has still not returned after those first
four nights. The Chairman of the Religious Psychology
Department of the Theology Faculty at Hitit University, Prof.
Dr. Muammer Cengil, warned that "the public has started to
believe that this girl's appearance at the ceremony has some kind
of supernatural aspect to it. They're getting popcorn and peanuts
to watch the show at the grave site. This is not in accordance with
Islamic or cemetery etiquette. People are spreading stories about
supernatural things that resemble horror films. I just hope that the
girl is found and we can put this episode to rest."

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