türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 May 2018)

Warning: no lizard jokes in the operating room!
Aleyna Şevik (19), lives in Keçiören district of Ankara. Aleyna's
pet 1-meter long iguana Abidin broke its right rear leg while jumping
on the radiator so Aleyna took Abidin to various animal hospitals in
the capital but without success. After further research, Aleyna brought
Abidin to the Veterinary Faculty Animal Hospital at Sivas Cumhuriyet
University in Sivas.
Think of how many dinosaurs Dr. Şen could have saved...
Dr. Ilker Şen operated on Abidin for two hours and was able to rejoin
Abidin's separated leg elements using the "intramedullary nailing"
procedure. After some post-op time in intensive care, Aleyna took
Abidin back to Ankara. Dr. Şen explained that "Abidin had a break
in the femur bone of his right rear leg. Fortunately, Abidin's owner
did intensive research and got in touch with us here. She really loves
Abidin. It was a difficult operation but ultimately successful. In
about a month and a half, Abidin will completely regain his health."
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 13 May 2018)
How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they've
seen Kartal...
In Beykoz, Istanbul, a lamb whose mother died giving birth, was
shunned by other sheep. When Hamide Çakır (52) came to the
farm to buy milk she adopted the lamb and took it to her home
in Kartal, Istanbul, where family members gave the lamb the
name "Şapşik" (loveable) because of its winning nature.
Şapşik gets a diaper change 5 times each day and drinks at
least 3 liters of cow's milk daily. When Şapşik came to Çakır's
home it weighed 4 kilograms and now weighs 11. Relaxing on
the couch, Şapşik enjoys watching cartoons and commercials
on TV and plays with Çakır's daughter Meliha, whom Şapşik
thinks is its mother.

Şapşik gets walked around the neighborhood wearing colorful
clothes and then has a bath and blow-dry. Şapşik and Meliha
sleep together. Having grown fond of Şapşik, Meliha pleaded
with the populace "please don't eat lamb and kid meat! If you
must, eat lamb after the animal has grown but, better yet, don't
eat it at all."
A bit too popular with the neighborhood dogs.
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