türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 11 May 2018)

Rest In Peace
Necla Köker (45) lived on Demet Street in the Fenerbahçe section
of Kadıköy, Istanbul. She was the CEO of a chemical company.
Last Sunday she gave a letter to her apartment doorman
Cafer K., asking him to pass it to her boyfriend Rafet Selçuk A.
On 8 May, Rafet Selçuk A. went to Köker's flat and, realizing
that she had ended her life, he called the police.
Köker, who lived alone, had written in the letter to Rafet
Selçuk A. that she would drink cyanide as a means to suicide
and she cautioned that anyone entering her flat after her death
should take the necessary precautions. So, in addition to an
ambulance, an AFAD (disaster response) team came, as well.
The police investigation related that Köker was found in her
bed with a towel over her face and a glass with cyanide and
hydrochloric acid (!) on her bed table. Rafet Selçuk A. told
police in his statement that "we spoke on Sunday and she said
she was going to Ankara. She talked about her economic
problems. Then I got the envelope that she had given to the
doorman the same day."
According to information that has been obtained, Köker had
been swindled, causing her economic problems and
consequently her suicide. Köker had used inheritance money
from her parents to invest in a construction project, which
fell through. She was trying to pay off the related debts but
felt helpless to do so. Köker had not filed a complaint about
the swindle with the competent authorities and the amount
she lost is not known.
Kadıköy district of Istanbul
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