türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 22 May 2018)
//ed.note: Coincidentally, TNT is preparing the English
translation of two books detailing the accidental visit to
Brazil by two Ottoman warships in 1866. Stay tuned."

Fernando de Noronha is off the coast, upper right.
On the small Brazilian island of Fernando de Noranha, which lies
400 kilometers away from the nearest land, the first baby has been
born in 12 years. A 22-year-old woman gave birth to a girl on
Saturday, creating quite a stir on the island of only 3,000 people.
There is no maternity hospital on the island so, normally, pregnant
women take a 1 hour 25 minute flight to Natal to give birth. The
mother, whose name was not revealed, was not aware she was
pregnant, explaining that "on Friday I the labor pains started and
I gave birth to a daughter. I was speechless!"
2 Ottoman warships en route to the Persian Gulf were dragged to
Rio by a storm in 1866. English publication on TNT is about a
month away.
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