türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 May 2018)

Just when you think you've got Mother Nature figured
In the vast spruce tree forests of Kabadüz district, in Ordu
province, those who see the incredible sight of 18 separate
trees growing on top of a fallen spruce trunk are amazed.
Down, but definitely not out.
The fallen spruce is found within the district's Kale Boynu
Obası forest and despite the fact that its roots are detached
from the soil, the trunk lives on and, as if the trunk itself is
a root, the other 18 trees are growing from it. Local nature-
lovers say that "we doubt there is such a tree anywhere else.
We want all visitors to our district to make sure they see this
tree. It is quite a sight to behold. Even though the mother
spruce fell and its roots are above ground, it lives on because
the trunk maintains contact with the soil and gives life to its
branches, which have essentially become trees themselves.
It's really astonishing!"

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 26 May 2018)
His dream of being a pilot comes to a screeching halt.
Yunus Pehlivan (18) climbed up a tree to retrieve a book but
got stuck there and had to be rescued by firefighters. The books
had been hung in the tree as an attraction for a book fair in İzmit,
Kocaeli province.
But no one could reach the books hung high in the tree, so a
week later they were still there when Pehlivan and his friends
passed by. Not one to resist a challenge, Pehlivan climbed up
to get one of the books but got stuck. After being rescued by
the fire department, Pehlivan protested that "why did they hang
the books so high?! How are people supposed to get them?!"
Don't blame the tree, Yunus Bey.
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